Deployment & Infrastructure
Deployment and Releases

Deployment & Releases

Production releases

Most of our projects are set up to be dockerized (opens in a new tab) and deployed into our Kubernetes infrastructure. This can be done semi-manually using bratiska-cli (opens in a new tab) tool, but primarily should be done by automatic GitHub pipelines.

Frontend / Backend apps

This assumes Github Actions CI/CD pipeline is in place - every project running in production should have those by now. If this is not the case, one should be setup. Afterwards:

DEV and STAGING deployments

  • ✅ Deployments to STAGING are done automatically from the master branch.
  • ✅ Deployments to DEV cluster should by done by creating tags only, never through releases.
  • ✅ Deployments to DEV have tags in format devWHATEVER i.e. dev-testing-new-maplify-version.
  • ❌ Don't release to staging manually.
  • ❌ Don't release to dev by creating a (pre-)release in Github.

PROD deployments

  • ✅ Every production deployment should be created using a GitHub Release (opens in a new tab).
  • ✅ Format of the tag created with release is prodMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH i.e. prod1.23.0. When deploying only certain services from a monorepo setup, you can use prod-service-nameMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, i.e. prod-next1.23.0.
  • ✅ When releasing a backend consumed by multiple actors, follow semver (opens in a new tab) strictly.
  • ✅ When releasing frontend apps or backends consumed by a single frontend, follow semver loosely - bump patch if it feels like a minor bugfix, minor if it feels like updating features, major to signify major changes. No strict rules about versioning apply in this case.
  • ✅ Always autogenerate release notes. Feel free to add anything relevant on top of those
  • ❌ Don't release to prod from your local machine
  • ❌ Don't release to prod by creating a tag


Github Actions CI/CD pipeline must be in place

Do's and Don'ts

  • ✅ Every production deployment should be created using a github "release".
  • ✅ Follow format of the tag created with release is prodMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH i.e. prod1.23.0 - follow semver (opens in a new tab) strictly.
  • ✅ Autogenerate release notes. Feel free to add anything relevant on top of those.
  • ❌ Don't release the library from your local machine.
  • ❌ Don't release the library by creating a tag.


TODO - if there's a standard approach we use on multiple native apps, please document here

Manual deployment using bratiska-cli

You can find detailed manual & requirements in the bratiska-cli README (opens in a new tab). TLDR:

  1. make sure you are signed into docker harbor
  2. make sure your are signed into the correct Kubernetes cluster
  3. run bratiska-cli deploy --<env> where <env> is one of dev, staging, prod

Harbor Policies

As we have a somewhat limited space in our Harbor instance, all repositories are subjected to retention policy.
Currently, every project is entitled to 30 images altogether, split across different tags:

  • 5 latest images with prod* tag
  • 5 latest images with staging* tag
  • 10 latest images with dev* tag
  • 10 latest images with some tag
  • Images without any tags will be removed

The policy is ran once a day at midnight, so during the day you might push more then specified limits. Also, please note that bratiska-cli will automatically add dev-*, staging-* or prod-* tags, so be careful when running production or staging pushes not to accidentally remove images currently deployed in production.